Wednesday, October 23, 2013


A sanguine felt
        on blades cut long;
Inspire contemplation of
          rapturous song.

Keys be rent to do as much,
         through one man's
                lifted precious touch.

Though know him not
         nor ever will.

    Our time be shared,
           remembered still;

By those whose hearts
  are bared.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013


A name and we dare not compare
but rather time and place
who is one to you at due will be one to they

A cloud born of mist and sea
no moniker satisfies
this creature of the windy spree
a changeling wander on

define you
I dare not try
to box your person
rather can I know you
as I know the sky?
love you as the leaves fall and sleep
need you when the sky does weep
but never name you.

Capricious Cat

What can be
of some as that
silky thin capricious cat

No ball of yarn
or upholstery leg
for but a moment

not to chance a term
of more... time
but rather for all
to unwind